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Providing a Research Basis for ETS Products FOS

Leusner, Dawn Marie; Lyon, Christine
Publication Year:
Report Number:
ETS Research Memorandum
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Page Count:
Subject/Key Words:
Product Development, Logic Model, International Business Writing, Write & Score, Focus on Standards (FOS), Criterion Online Writing Evaluation


During the 2005 fiscal year, a process that provided support to the claims made about ETS’s educational products was created. The project described here was built on the work completed in the previous year and aimed to provide a standardized template for all ETS nontest products, a process for building a logic model, a structure for substantiating its research base, and a proposal for integrating this approach into all new product-development activities. The process was piloted with four ETS products: International Business Writing, Write & Score, the Focus on Standards instruction-improvement model, and ETS’s Criterion service. This memorandum will outline the process that was developed, report on the results of the various pilots, and further explore the application of these tools, including conclusions and next steps for continuing this work.

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