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Systematized Score Equity Assessment (SEA) in SAS SEA SAS

Moses, Tim P.; Liu, Jinghua; Dorans, Neil J.
Publication Year:
Report Number:
ETS Research Memorandum
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Page Count:
Subject/Key Words:
Score Equity Assessment (SEA), Equating, Linking, SAS


Score equity assessments (SEAs) typically take the form of comparisons of an equating, scaling, or concordance function computed from a population's data and from data from various demographically based subgroups of that population. Because of the direct connection of score equity and fairness, there have been calls for testing programs to conduct SEA investigations of their reported scores. Prototypical analyses have been suggested for comprehensive SEA analyses that can be done on a routine basis (Dorans & Liu, 2009). This report describes an SAS macro developed to produce Dorans and Liu’s prototypical SEA results, including various tabular and graphical analyses of the differences between scaled score conversions from one or more subgroups and the scaled score conversion based on a total group. The macro can be used to assess the scaled score conversions for any number of subgroups and provides informative error-catching messages for guiding the user. This report includes a demonstration of the SAS macro for reproducing some of Dorans and Liu’s SEA results.

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