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Setting Standards on the iCritical Thinking Certification ICT

Tannenbaum, Richard J.; Katz, Irvin R.
Publication Year:
Report Number:
ETS Research Memorandum
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Page Count:
Subject/Key Words:
Standard Setting, Angoff Method, Extended Angoff Method, Information Communication Technology (ICT), ICT Literacy, iCritical Thinking Certification


This report documents a standard setting study to determine a recommended minimum score (cut score) needed on the iCritical ThinkingTM Certification to achieve certification. Twenty-three information and communication technology (ICT) literacy experts (educators from academia, industry, workforce development, and teacher training) developed a consensus description of the minimum ICT literacy skills a candidate should possess to be ready to enter either the workforce or higher education. Following a modified extended Angoff method (panelists were asked what the average score on each item would be in a group of 100 “just qualified candidates”), these experts worked in two independent panels and converged on a recommended score corresponding to the defined minimum skill level: 33 raw points, which corresponds to a scale score of 260.

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