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Question-Based Reports for Policymakers CBAL

VanWinkle, Waverely Hester; Vezzu, Margaret; Zapata-Rivera, Diego
Publication Year:
Report Number:
ETS Research Memorandum
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Page Count:
Subject/Key Words:
Score Reports for Administrators, Achievement Data, Decision Making, Question-Based Reporting System, Usability Studies, Cognitively Based Assessment of, for, and as Learning (CBAL)


Score reports for administrators are often presented in ways that are not easily interpretable by these stakeholders. In order to design score reports for this audience, it is important to understand how policy is implemented at the local level and how administrators make use of achievement data to inform their decisions. We have reviewed existing literature on how policymakers use assessment data for decision making and designed initial score-report prototypes taking into account the questions these stakeholders want answered according to their responsibilities. The score reports were developed for the Cognitively Based Assessments of, for, and as Learning (CBAL) project. This paper describes a question-based reporting system designed for administrators, reports on the results of a usability study conducted with seven administrators, summarizes recommendations provided by a group of experts, and describes future work.

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