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Pilot Testing the Chinese Version of the ETS Proficiency Profile Critical Thinking Test

Liu, Ou Lydia; Mao, Liyang; Zhao, Tingting; Yang, Yi; Xu, Jun; Wang, Zhen
Publication Year:
Report Number:
ETS Research Report
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Subject/Key Words:
Pilot Test, ETS Proficiency Profile Critical Thinking, Chinese Tests, Critical Thinking, Psychometrics, College Students, Student Learning Outcomes, Outcomes Assessment, Higher Education


We pilot tested the EPP–Chinese test with students from a university in China. Results suggest that (a) the test is unidimensional and therefore is sufficient to report a total score from a practical standpoint; (b) the total score reliability is satisfactory; (c) most items showed moderate correlations with the total score, but the translation of one item needs additional revision; (d) the test is correlated with related constructs (e.g., the Chinese college entrance examination and a national English test); and (e) no item showed differential item functioning or was found to be biased toward any subgroup. In summary, the Chinese version of the critical thinking test showed potential as a suitable assessment tool for Chinese college students.

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