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PASL Assessment

Measures a candidate's application of knowledge and skills to become an effective school leader

Select any step to learn more about the PASL assessment.


Adopting and Implementing the PASL Assessment

ETS collaborates with states and educator preparation programs (EPPs) to help determine which assessments best suit their program completion and licensure needs. While each state may follow its own specific process and regulations, the following provides a general overview of the process.


The adoption process

ETS begins by working with states and EPPs to identify the needs. Considerations that may be discussed include:

  • the standards for the licensure area
  • the aspects of the standards that need to be tested (e.g., content or pedagogy)
  • whether the assessment would be used for licensure or program completion

The state, in consultation with ETS, determines its requirements, including when the performance assessment and passing score will become effective and what needs to be done within that timeframe.


Support from ETS for implementation

ETS conducts various meetings to assist the state in informing all stakeholders of how the assessment will be implemented at the EPP level. To set a passing score, the state may refer to the multistate standard-setting study and/or request that ETS conduct a formal, site-based review of the study.

Once the state determines what’s required and when, it announces the new assessment requirements, effective date and passing score to all stakeholders. ETS provides ongoing support to states and EPP faculty to ensure ease of implementation by:

  • providing faculty training and assistance with program implementation
  • working with you to ensure that your candidates know how to register and where to find assessment information
  • processing orders for registration vouchers if needed

Determining passing score requirements

The ETS Multistate Standard-Setting Study (MSSS) process assists states when new and regenerated tests require new passing scores. This approach, designed by ETS researchers, convenes practitioner panels that simulate a test-taking experience before recommending a passing score. They also confirm that the content is important and relevant to entry-level practice.


Benefits of MSSS

  • reduce the state burden of recruiting educators
  • gain greater educator input into the passing score recommendation — up to 50 educators
  • provide a more efficient process for moving states from old to new tests
  • allow for multiple rounds of panel judgments, feedback and discussion
  • add support for states seeking greater interstate portability

Each state maintains valuable control by setting its own passing score, while the MSSS provides practitioner judgments and documentation to inform that decision.

For the PASL assessment, ETS convened a panel of both EPP faculty and K–12 teachers to discuss the characteristics of high-quality student teaching and to recommend a passing score.

Contact us to learn more about the PASL assessment and how to begin using it as part of your state's education program and licensure requirements.