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Region 3 Comprehensive Center (R3CC)

Providing technical assistance to state educational agencies to improve outcomes and close achievement gaps


Our Purpose

The Region 3 Comprehensive Center (R3CC), operated by ETS, is one of 19 regional centers funded by the U.S. Department of Education. The Comprehensive Centers Program is authorized by Title II of the Educational Technical Assistance Act of 2002.

The R3CC serves the territories of Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands. Our headquarters are in San Juan, PR.

We provide technical assistance to state educational agencies (SEAs) that build their capacity to:

  • support local educational agencies (LEAs or districts) and schools, especially low-performing districts and schools
  • improve educational outcomes for all students
  • close achievement gaps
  • improve the quality of instruction

How we deliver

We provide high-quality technical assistance that focuses on key initiatives and builds the capacity of SEAs to implement and sustain educational improvement across the territory. Additionally, we build the capacity of SEAs to lead and support their regions, LEAs, and schools to improve student outcomes.

We provide training and technical assistance in the implementation of programs authorized under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act and in the use of evidence-based information and strategies.

Project outcomes include:

  • increasing the number of students who enter postsecondary training without the need for remediation
  • improving teacher and leader quality by working with territories to create recruitment, training and retention strategies that establish quality teachers, especially in low-performing schools
  • improving student achievement in reading, mathematics and science by providing professional development that focuses on data and research, as well as innovative approaches, to turn around low-performing schools
  • improving student performance through professional development for teachers and leaders to help them address the unique needs of special populations

Learn more about our team