Predicting Academic Achievement with a New Attitude - Interest Questionnaire - I
- Author(s):
- Myers, Robert C.; Schultz, Douglas G.
- Publication Year:
- 1950
- Report Number:
- RB-50-02
- Source:
- ETS Research Bulletin
- Document Type:
- Report
- Page Count:
- 12
- Subject/Key Words:
- College Entrance Examination Board., Academic Achievement, Attitude Measures, Grade Prediction, Interest Inventories, Personality Measures, Predictive Measurement, Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT), Student Motivation
An instrument has been developed for measuring non-intellectual factors that are associated with college academic achievement. A questionnaire was designed to explore the motivation, attitudes, and interests of entering freshmen. 328 questions dealt with intellectual interests, teacher relations, motivation, study habits, and parental support. The questionnaire was given to the freshman class (Class of 1951) at an eastern liberal arts women's college in October 1947. The questionnaire proved to be too long and the parental support section was dropped. This questionnaire was given to applicants for the Class of 1952 at this same college when they applied. Scores on the Scholastic Aptitude Test verbal and math sections compared to first-year grade point averages of the Class of 1951 formed the basis for an achievement index. The 37 most extreme overachievers were compared with the 37 most extreme underachievers. The class of 1952 was compared to the Class of 1951 in order to determine what difference postadministration administration (Class of 1951) and preadministration administration (Class of 1952) had. Using a key, the 1952 questionnaires were scored. (SGK)
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