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The Prediction of Academic Grades with a Projective Test of Achievement Motivation: II. Cross-Validation at the High School Level

Ricciuti, Henry N.; Sadacca, Robert
Publication Year:
Report Number:
ETS Research Bulletin
Document Type:
Page Count:
Subject/Key Words:
Achievement Need, Grade Prediction, Picture Interpretation Test, Projective Measures, Test Validity


This research was concerned with a cross-validation of a "picture-interpretation" test of achievement motivation as a predictor of high school grades. Eighteen pictures, which were selected on the basis of the results of a previous validation study, were incorporated into two nine-picture forms of the test, and each form was administered to a new group of male high school juniors. The results are interpreted as confirming the findings of the original validation study, indicating that the achievement-motivation measures show promising relationships to high school grade achievement, adjusted for differences in ability. Although the results are not of very great immediate practical value, they are regarded as warranting continued research on the measurement of achievement motivation as a determinant of academic grade performance, and of other aspects of scholastic achievement or "success."

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