Concurrent Validation of Engineering Placement Tests Against Placement Criteria for Experienced Engineers
- Author(s):
- Saunders, David R.
- Publication Year:
- 1957
- Report Number:
- RB-57-05
- Source:
- ETS Research Bulletin
- Document Type:
- Report
- Page Count:
- 55
- Subject/Key Words:
- Engineering, Factor Structure, ITME Test, Interest Inventories, Job Placement, Test Construction, Test Validity
This report describes the development and initial validation of tests designed for use in placing engineers in appropriate functional types of work. The burden of the predictive effectiveness is borne by an interest test -- the ITME Test -- which measures the relative strength of interests in ideas, things, men, and economic matters. A test of inductive reasoning is also useful in more precisely placing those whose interests are like those of research or development engineers. Preliminary findings indicate the possibility of developing other useful measures, but these have not been further explored. The best of the concurrent validities for placement criteria range from about .3 to .7, depending on the particular job for which the prediction is made. If these validities can be sustained in longitudinal cross-validations, they will warrant a recommendation for operational use of these tests. Additionally, there are a number of indications of ways in which the original experimental forms of these tests, on which this report is based, may be appreciably improved.
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