The Function of Structure-in-Interaction in Mutual Problem Solving
- Author(s):
- Hemphill, John K
- Publication Year:
- 1961
- Report Number:
- RM-61-02
- Source:
- ETS Research Memorandum
- Document Type:
- Report
- Page Count:
- 22
- Subject/Key Words:
- Office of Naval Research, Group Behavior, Group Dynamics, Leadership, Prediction, Problem Solving, Structure in Interaction
The experiment reported here belongs to a series being conducted to test hypotheses suggested by a theory of leadership and group problem solving (Hemphill, 1958). The previous four experiments in the series (done at Ohio State University) were concerned with the effects of situational and personal variables upon the frequency of attempts to lead. These earlier experiments have been reported individually (Hemphill, 1957), (Hemphill, 1956), (Pepinsky, 1958), and have been summarized as a group (Hemphill, 1961). The concept of an attempted leadership act used in these experiments was developed from the basic concept of structure-in-interaction. The present experiment explores a very general characteristic of structure-in-interaction in group problem solving.
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