The Role of Memory and Color in Group and Individual Embedded-Figures Measures of Field Independence EFT
- Author(s):
- Jackson, Douglas N.; Messick, Samuel J.; Myers, Charles T.
- Publication Year:
- 1962
- Report Number:
- RB-62-34
- Source:
- ETS Research Bulletin
- Document Type:
- Report
- Page Count:
- 25
- Subject/Key Words:
- National Institute of Mental Health, Cognitive Tests, Color, Embedded Figures Test, Field Dependence Independence, Group Embedded Figures Test, Group Testing, Individual Testing, Memory, Sex Differences
Three group-administered embedded-figures tests were designed to evaluate the possibility of developing economical and reliable measures of perceptual field-independence. These were administered together with individual and group forms of Witkin's EFT in a factorial design to study the effects of color, memory, and item format. Embedded-figures test performances were also studied in relation to perceptual speed, spatial orientation, and Adjective Preference Scale scores. Within-group correlations between group and individually-administered embedded-figures tests were sufficiently high to warrant the use of the group forms as measures of perceptual field-independence. A comparison of the correlational patterns between sexes indicated greater differentiation in cognitive performances for males than for females.
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