AAQ Scores and Work Experience: Reconsideration of Previous Findings AAQ
- Author(s):
- Gerjuoy, Herbert; Wendt, Miriam
- Publication Year:
- 1963
- Report Number:
- RB-63-22
- Source:
- ETS Research Bulletin
- Document Type:
- Report
- Page Count:
- 11
- Subject/Key Words:
- Attendant Attitude Questionnaire, Employee Attitudes, Psychiatric Aides, Psychiatric Hospitals, Work Attitudes, Work Experience
An attempt was made to resolve the discrepancy between the finding that female mental hospital ward attendants' work attitudes, as measured by the Attendant Attitude Questionnaire (AAQ) (Bond, et al., 1960), were favorably influenced by work on acute wards and unfavorably affected by work on chronic wards (Gerjuoy, et al., 1965), and the absence of this finding for male attendants in a hospital for the criminally insane (Wendt & Gerjouy, 1963). In a general psychiatric hospital like that of the first study, work experience on relatively acute wards was not more positively (or less negatively) correlated with AAQ score than work experience on relatively chronic wards for either male or female attendants. It is concluded that the earlier result is not confirmed. In addition to gender of attendant and type of ward, three other scores were gathered for each attendant: length of service in the hospital, age, and education level. Of the four multiple correlations between AAQ score and the four predictor variables, three were not significant and one had only borderline statistical significance. (JGL)
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- http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/j.2333-8504.1963.tb00315.x