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Formulating Hypotheses: Factor Structure and Validity Data

Cliff, Norman; Cliff, Rosemary Hayes
Publication Year:
Report Number:
ETS Research Bulletin
Document Type:
Page Count:
Subject/Key Words:
Cognitive Ability, Cognitive Tests, Factor Structure, Formulating Hypotheses (Test), Research Design, Test Validity


It was hypothesized that performance on the Formulating Hypotheses Test is related to the Induction, Sensitivity to Problems, Ideational Fluency, Spontaneous Flexibility, and Originality factors identified in previous research and to measures of creative achievement in the sciences. A factor analysis of reference tests for the above-named factors failed to identify any but Induction. Scores on Formulating Hypotheses had loadings of borderline significance on fluency and general information factors. No relationship was demonstrated between Formulating Hypotheses scores and grades of mechanical engineering students for courses stressing creative design.

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