Response Set Scores as Predictors of Performance WPS
- Author(s):
- Frederiksen, Norman O.
- Publication Year:
- 1963
- Report Number:
- RB-63-31
- Source:
- ETS Research Bulletin
- Document Type:
- Report
- Page Count:
- 31
- Subject/Key Words:
- Office of Naval Research, In-Basket Tests, Predictive Measurement, Response Style (Tests), Situational Tests, Social Desirability, Work Attitudes, Work Preference Schedule
A Work Preference Schedule (WPS), containing items concerned with preferences for a variety of job attributes, was administered to federal government employees in connection with routine personnel procedures. Correlations of set scores with biographical data and with scores from inventories and tests were computed, including scores from a situational test, the Bureau of Business In-Basket Test. It was judged that the only correlations that were capable of reasonably unambiguous interpretation were those between in-basket scores and desirability set scores obtained from unattractive items. The results show that those who try to put themselves in a good light in responding to the WPS are likely to follow leads suggested by their superior in the in-basket situation and to show generally good performance both in terms of quantity and quality. Some underlying motivational variable such as anxiety or need for recognition may account for both the desirability response bias and the characteristics of the in-basket performance.
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