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Three Expressions of the Need for Variety

Maddi, Salvatore R.; Propst, Barbara Scott.; Feldinger, Irwin
Publication Year:
Report Number:
ETS Research Bulletin
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Page Count:
Subject/Key Words:
Fantasy, Individual Needs, Novelty Stimulus Dimension, Predictor Variables, Projective Measures, Psychological Characteristics


This study aimed to measure three rationally distinct forms of the need for variety as expressed in thematic apperception, and to obtain the relationships among them and between each of them and other variables with which they should or should not be correlated. Sixty-two male subjects were tested for all variables. The relationships among the three fantasy measures--novelty of productions, curiosity, and desire for novelty--were consistent with assuming that they represent different forms of the need for variety. In addition, novelty of productions correlated positively with complexity and internal exploration, and negatively with external exploration. Curiosity correlated positively with external exploration and n (underscore) achievement, and negatively with nonverbal productivity. Evidence for discriminant validity was also obtained.

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