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Quality and Quantity of Accomplishments IAQ

Skager, Rodney W.; Schultz, Charles B.; Klein, Stephen P.
Publication Year:
Report Number:
ETS Research Bulletin
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Page Count:
Subject/Key Words:
Achievement, Biographical Inventories, Creativity, Creativity Tests, Independent Activities Questionnaire (IAQ), Success


In studying creativity, criterion measures based on biographical information can be scored for the number of accomplishments (Quantity) or for level of a single most outstanding accomplishment (Quality). The meaningfulness of the distinction between the two scores is dependent upon their intercorrelation and whether the measures show differential correlations with other variables. The Independent Activities Questionnaire (IAQ), composed of items describing achievements of a creative type, was developed for use as a criterion instrument in research on creativity. Examination of the correlates of Quality and Quantity scores calculated from the responses of a sample of entering college freshmen indicated that (1) Quality and Quantity scores are significantly correlated, but that (2) Quality was more related to a measure of academic aptitude, and (3) Quantity was more related to a measure of intellectual stimulation in the home.

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