Compulsivity as a Moderator Variable: A Replication and Extension GPA
- Author(s):
- Stricker, Lawrence J.
- Publication Year:
- 1965
- Report Number:
- RB-65-04
- Source:
- ETS Research Bulletin
- Document Type:
- Report
- Page Count:
- 39
- Subject/Key Words:
- Compulsiveness, Cooperative Reading Comprehension Tests, Correlation, Grade Point Average (GPA), Interest Inventories, Majors (Students), Strong Vocational Interest Blank, Vocational Interests
This study replicated and extended earlier ones which found that two indirect measures of compulsivity (the Strong Accountant scale and a ratio score of reading speed to vocabulary) moderated the correlations of other Strong interest scales with grade-point average (GPA) for male engineering freshmen--the correlations were higher for the less compulsive students. In the present study, the two compulsivity variables did not moderate the correlations of the Strong scales with freshman-year GPA for liberal arts students of either sex, although they did for men in the engineering program. The compulsivity variables were not significantly correlated, they did not moderate the same interest scales, and their joint use did not enhance the moderator effect.
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