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Rate and Uniqueness in Children's Creative Responding NICHD

Ward, William C.
Publication Year:
Report Number:
ETS Research Bulletin
Document Type:
Page Count:
Subject/Key Words:
National Institute for Child Health and Human Development (NICHD), Cognitive Processes, Creativity, Individual Differences, Personality, Responses


Three ideational fluency measures were administered to 34 seven-and eight-year-old boys. Response rate and uncommonness were compared with results from published studies using college student Ss. In agreement with earlier findings, response rate decreased, and average uncommonness of responses increased, over time; Ss who eventually produced more ideas gave them at a higher rate. Creative children (those having high response fluency) did not differ from uncreative ones either in their proportion of uncommon responses throughout the task or in the rate at which their successive responses became less stereotyped. The possibility was raised that children identified as creative differ from others solely in personality and motivational, rather than ability, characteristics.

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