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A Study of Speededness as a Source of Test Bias LSAT

Evans, Franklin R.; Reilly, Richard R.
Publication Year:
Report Number:
ETS Research Bulletin
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Page Count:
Subject/Key Words:
Law School Admission Test (LSAT), Reading Comprehension, Test Bias, Test Reliability, Test Speededness, Timed Tests


Specially constructed "speeded" and "unspeeded" forms of a Reading Comprehension section of the Law School Admission Test (LSAT) were administered to regular center and fee-free center LSAT candidates in an effort to determine: (1) if the test was more speeded for fee-free candidates, and (2) if reducing the amount of speededness was more beneficial to fee-free candidates. Results of the analysis show: (1) the test is somewhat more speeded for fee-free candidates than for regular candidates. (2) reducing the amount of speededness produces higher scores for both regular (22 scaled score points) and fee-free (33 scaled score points) center candidates, and (3) reducing speededness is not more beneficial (in terms of increasing the number of items answered correctly) to fee-free than to regular center candidates. Lower KR-20 reliability was observed underspeeded conditions in the fee-free sample and is discussed. (Author)

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