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Patterns of Ability Factors Among Four Ethnic Groups

Flaugher, Ronald L.; Rock, Donald A.
Publication Year:
Report Number:
ETS Research Memorandum
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Subject/Key Words:
College Board, Ability Identification, Cultural Differences, Ethnic Groups, Factor Analysis, High School Students, Males


This study is concerned with the investigation of differing patterns of abilities among high school males of four ethnic groups, as reflected in the correlationships of scores on a nine-test aptitude battery administered in 1969-70. The groups were Black Americans, White Americans, Mexican Americans, and Asian Americans. Principal axes procedures were applied to the correlation matrices, with ones in the main diagonals, within each ethnic group. The first five components within each group were then rotated, using Varimax procedures. The original correlation matrices are presented in the appendix. The similarity among the factor loading patterns would indicate that among this age level and these examinees, the same patterns of abilities are being demonstrated in all four ethnic groups.

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