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Equating the Scales of the Spanish-Language Prueba de Aptitud Academica and the English-Language Scholastic Aptitude Test of the College Entrance Examination Board CEEB PAA SAT

Angoff, William; Modu, Christopher C.
Publication Year:
Report Number:
ETS Research Bulletin
Document Type:
Page Count:
Subject/Key Words:
College Entrance Examination Board (CEEB), Aptitude Tests, Equated Scores, Prueba De Aptitud Academica (PAA), Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT), Scores, Spanish Speaking, Standardized Tests


The purpose of this study was to establish score equivalencies between the College Board Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) and its Spanish language equivalent, the College Board Prueba de Aptitud Academica (PAA). For the first phase, two sets of items, one originally appearing in Spanish and the other in English, were chosen; and each set was translated into the other language. The sets were administered in the appropriate language made for pretest purposes to samples of candidates taking the PAA or the SAT. They provided data regarding the difficulty and discrimination power of each item and an index of appropriateness of each item for both groups. On the basis of the analyses of these data, a set of items in verbal and a set in Mathematical were assembled as "common items" to be used for equating. In the second phase, these common items, appearing in Spanish and English were administered in the appropriate language with the operational form of the PAA and SAT. The data resulting from the administrations of these common items were used to calibrate for differences in the abilities of the two groups and permitted both linear and equipercentile equating of the two tests. Conversion tables relating the PAA-verbal to the SAT-verbal scores and the PAA-mathematical to the SAT-mathematical scores are given. Because of the scarcity of data at the upper end of the distribution of PAA scores, score equivalencies beyond the mid-700s were obtained by extrapolation. (Author/KM). (53pp.)

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