Investigation of a Creativity Dimension
- Author(s):
- Murphy, Richard T.
- Publication Year:
- 1973
- Report Number:
- RB-73-12
- Source:
- ETS Research Bulletin
- Document Type:
- Report
- Page Count:
- 187
- Subject/Key Words:
- National Science Foundation (NSF), Office of Naval Research, Academic Achievement, Creativity Research, Factor Analysis, Intelligence Tests, Semiotics
This thesis provides evidence for the existence of a creativity dimension containing figural and verbal subfactors which is independent of intelligence and marginally related to school achievement. The original data of Wallach and Kogan, as well as the data from the Ward, Cropley, and Maslany and Wallach and Wing studies were reanalyzed using Joreskog's Unrestricted Maximum Likelihood Factor Analysis (UMLFA). In addition, three of the Guilford studies and the Getzels and Jackson 1962 study on creativity and intelligence were reanalyzed using the UMLFA technique. These reanalyses provides clear evidence not only for the distinct creativity and intelligence dimension, but also for the figural and verbal subfactors in the creativity dimension. The Wallach and Kogan materials were used in an original research study with secondary school students in Brooklyn, New York. The two factor structure of the creativity dimension was clearly verified, and the creativity measures were related to many more common measures of intelligence than have been reported. The creativity and intelligence measures were related to actual school grades in science, math, English and social studies. Three factors clearly related to creativity, intelligence, and creativity and intelligence was verified, and a marginal relationship between creativity and school grades was indicated. Multiple regression analyses confirmed the conclusions. (Author/KD) (187pp.)
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