Equating the Scales of the Prueba Aptitud Academica and the Scholastic Aptitude Test PAA SAT
- Author(s):
- Angoff, William H.; Modu, Christopher C.
- Publication Year:
- 1973
- Report Number:
- CEEB-RR-73-03
- Source:
- CEEB Research Report
- Document Type:
- Report
- Page Count:
- 37
- Subject/Key Words:
- College Entrance Examinations, Equated Scores, Prueba De Aptitud Academica (PAA), Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT), Spanish
The purpose of this study was to establish score equivalencies between the College Board Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) and its Spanish-language equivalent,the College Board Prueba de Aptitud Academica (PAA). The method of the study involved two phases: the selection of test items equally appropriate for Spanish-and English-speaking students for use in equating the two tests; and the equating analysis itself. Conversion tables relating the PAA-verbal scores to the SAT-verbal scores and the PAA-mathematical scores to the SAT-mathematical scores are given in the Appendix (pages 35-37). These conversions represent an average of the linear and equipercentile results. Because of the scarcity of data at the upper end o the distribution of PAA scores, score equivalencies are permissible, strictly speaking, only as high as the mid-700s. Score equivalencies beyond the mid-700s were obtained by extrapolation.
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