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Interpersonal Competence Instrument: Development and Preliminary Findings ICI

Stricker, Lawrence J.
Publication Year:
Report Number:
ETS Research Report
Document Type:
Page Count:
Subject/Key Words:
Interpersonal Relationship, Noncognitive Assessment, Personality Measures, Test Construction


A prototype measure of interpersonal competence--effectiveness in dealing with other people--was developed, the Interpersonal Competence Instrument (ICI). The ICI is based on the videotape presentation of scenes of subordinates talking to a supervisor in a business setting. The examinee takes the role of the supervisor, and his or her tape-recorded replies are assessed for effectiveness and originality, and his or her written judgments are evaluated for accuracy. The ICI was administered in a pilot study with a battery of background measures and other instruments, including tests of accuracy in social perception and verbal ability. The three scores for the ICI were reliable, both in terms of interrater agreement and internal consistency; the effectiveness and originality scores for replies were only moderately correlated with the accuracy scores for judgments, but the two replies scores were highly intercorrelated, perhaps too much so to justify using both; and the correlations of the scores with the other variables generally supported the ICI's construct validity, but raised the possibility of confounding with general ability.

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