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Construct Validity of the GRE Aptitude Test Across Populations--An Empirical Confirmatory Study GREB GRE

Grandy, Jerilee E.; Rock, Donald A.; Werts, Charles E.
Publication Year:
Report Number:
ETS Research Report
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Subject/Key Words:
Graduate Record Examinations Board, Aptitude Tests, Black Students, College Students, Graduate Record Examinations (GRE), Item Analysis, Test Bias, Test Validity, Validity Studies


These results do not provide any significant evidence of psychometric bias in the test. Confirmatory analysis of a higher-order factor model defined by an a priori model based on three- and four-factor solutions was attempted to investigate the factorial contributions of the analytical item types. Results of this analysis indicated that the three analytical item types appear to be varying functions of reading comprehension and quantitative ability. The analysis of explanations item type was the more complex factorially and include a vocabulary component as well as reading and quantitative components. Of the remaining two analytic item types, logical diagrams had the comparatively larger unique variance component. Analytical reasoning appeared to share most of its variance with the reading comprehension and quantitative factors.

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