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Student Characteristics and the Use of the SAT Test Disclosure Materials SAT

Holland, Paul W.; Lockheed, Marlaine E.; Nemceff, William P.
Publication Year:
Report Number:
ETS Research Report
Document Type:
Page Count:
Subject/Key Words:
College Board, High School Students, Information Utilization, New York State, Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT), Student Characteristics, Test Disclosure, Testing Legislation


Following the enactment of the New York State standardized admissions testing law, students taking the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) in New York acquired the right to request a copy of test questions used in calculating their scores, a copy of their answer sheet, and various interpretive materials. This study examined (1) the differences between examinees who requested these disclosure materials and those who did not, and (2) the differences between different examinee sub-populations in the likelihood of their requesting disclosure materials. For each of the March, May, and June 1980 New York administrations, a data set was prepared that contained data for all requestors (4.77 percent of all test takers for the three administrations) and for a random sample of nonrequestors. Analysis showed that requestors came from wealthier, more educated families; that requestors were more academically achieving than nonrequestors; and that requestors reported higher academic aspirations than nonrequestors. The likelihood of requesting disclosure differed both among different ethnic groups and across the two SAT administrations. Speculations that test disclosure materials might be disproportionately utilized by already advantaged groups and by those for whom the materials would have a direct utility (retesting, etc.) were largely confirmed by the findings. (Author/PN). (26pp.)

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