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Generalized Variance Functions for a Complex Sample Survey GVF

Johnson, Eugene C.; King, Benjamin F.
Publication Year:
Report Number:
ETS Research Report
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Page Count:
Subject/Key Words:
Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), Design Effects, Estimated Variance, Jackknife Estimation, Reading Ability, Research Design, Statistical Analysis, Surveys, Young Adults


For a national survey of reading ability among young adults using a multi-stage, stratified probability sample, generalized variance functions (GVF) were estimated. That is, an attempt was made to express the estimated variance of a statistic as a function of that statistic and other characteristics of the variable of interest. With GVFs estimated from a development sample of variables, predictions of sampling variance were made for other variables in a confirmation sample and comparisons made with conventional jackknife estimates. Conclusions were drawn about the feasibility of use of GVFs, with emphasis on the margin of additional error that is introduced. (41pp.)

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