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Some Consequences of the Uncertainty in IRT Linking Procedures IRT

Sheehan, Kathleen M.; Mislevy, Robert J.
Publication Year:
Report Number:
ETS Research Report
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Page Count:
Subject/Key Words:
Office of Naval Research, Item Response Theory (IRT), Test Linking, Testing Problems


In many practical applications of item response theory, the parameters of overlapping subsets of test items are estimated from different samples of examinees. A linking procedure is then employed to place the resulting item parameter estimates onto a common scale. It is standard practice to ignore the uncertainty associated with the linking step when drawing inferences that involve items from different subsets, a situation that arises, for example, in the measurement of change. This paper outlines how the uncertainty can be accounted for, and exemplifies the ideas with a jackknife approximation for the Stocking-Lord linking procedure. Examples from the National Assessment of Educational Progress suggest that the resulting uncertainty will usually be negligible for inferences about individuals, but can constitute a major source of estimation error in aggregate statistics such as changes in group means. (40pp.)

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