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Sex Group Membership as a Factor in Handicapped Students' GRE General Test Performance GRE

Bennett, Randy Elliot; Rock, Donald A.; Jirele, Thomas J.
Publication Year:
Report Number:
ETS Research Report
Document Type:
Page Count:
Subject/Key Words:
College Entrance Examinations, Disabilities, Graduate Record Examinations (GRE), Sex Differences, Undergraduate Students


Differences in the performance of handicapped and nonhandicapped students on the GRE General Test as a function of sex group composition were investigated. Hierarchical multiple regression analyses were conducted regressing General Test scores on sex and handicapped group membership, and adjustments to these scores were computed. The resulting adjustments had only minimal effects on handicapped/non-handicapped mean score differences, suggesting that these disparities cannot be ascribed to differences in sex group distributions. Other plausible explanations for observed score disparities between handicapped and nonhandicapped groups are discussed. (19pp.)

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