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Knowledge and Skill Indicators Important for Beginning Teachers: A Survey of Pennsylvania Teachers and Teacher Educators

Wylie, E. Caroline; Tannenbaum, Richard J.
Publication Year:
Report Number:
ETS Research Report
Document Type:
Page Count:
Subject/Key Words:
Licensure, Teachers, Beginning Teachers, Pennsylvania, Content Validation, Job Analysis


This study investigated the job relevance of 70 knowledge and/or skill indicators across five content areas (Literature, Fine Arts, Mathematics, Social Studies, and Science) for the development of a Pennsylvania initial teacher licensure assessment. A random sample of 1,700 teachers and 300 teacher educators was selected from Pennsylvania. Respondents judged each indicator on a scale ranging from 1 (of no importance) to 5 (very high level of importance). Means (and standard deviations) were computed across all survey respondents, as well as for subgroups of teacher respondents. Using a mean of 3.50 as the criterion for job relevance, 24 of the 70 (34%) of the knowledge and/or skill indicators were judged to be important (job-relevant) enough for consideration in the development of the licensure assessment. These 24 knowledge and/or skill indicators are recommended as the primary content of the test.

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