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A Scale Drift Study SAT

Liu, Jinghua; Curley, W. Edward; Low, Albert C.
Publication Year:
Report Number:
ETS Research Report
Document Type:
Page Count:
Subject/Key Words:
Scale Drift, Scale Stability, SAT, Monitoring Scale


This study examines the stability of the SAT® scale from 1994 to 2001. A 1994 form and a 2001 form were readministered in a 2005 SAT administration, and the 1994 form was equated to the 2001 form. The new conversion was compared to the old conversion. Both the verbal and math sections exhibit a similar degree of scale drift, but in opposite directions: the verbal scale has drifted upward, whereas the math scale has drifted downward. We suggest testing programs monitor the score scales periodically by building a testing form schedule that allows a systematic and periodic checking of scale stability.

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