LRDIF_ES: A SAS Macro for Logistic Regression Tests for Differential Item Functioning of Dichotomous and Polytomous Items DIF
- Author(s):
- Fu, Jianbin; Monfils, Lora
- Publication Year:
- 2016
- Report Number:
- RM-16-17
- Source:
- ETS Research Memorandum
- Document Type:
- Report
- Page Count:
- 19
- Subject/Key Words:
- Differential Item Functioning (DIF), Logistic Regression, SAS, Macro Programs
Additional explanatory variables can be included in the logistic regression analyses as needed. The macro has the functionality to produce a line plot for each item and grouping variable, where the mean item score and the lower and upper boundaries of the 95% confidence interval of the mean score for each group are plotted against the criterion (matching) variable. The underlying statistical procedure and the syntax of this macro are described, and sample output is provided.
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