Design Framework for the TOEFL Primary Writing Test TOEFL ELP AD AES YL
- Author(s):
- Wolf, Mikyung Kim; Suhan, Michael; Ginsburgh, Mitchell; Futagi, Yoko; Li, Feifei
- Publication Year:
- 2024
- Report Number:
- RM-24-02
- Source:
- ETS Research Memorandum
- Document Type:
- Report
- Page Count:
- 30
- Subject/Key Words:
- TOEFL Primary, English Language Proficiency, Validity Argument, Framework, Test Design, Writing Skills Test, Four-Skills Assessment of English Language Proficiency, Assessment Development (AD), Score Report Design Principles, English Language Skills, Scaffolding (Teaching Technique), Task Design, Automated Essay Scoring (AES), Young Learners (YL)
The TOEFL Primary tests, designed as international English language proficiency assessments, have been widely used in over 120 countries since 2013. The tests are primarily intended to support the teaching and learning of young language learners aged 8 and older. Until recently, the TOEFL Primary tests measured only reading, listening, and speaking skills. In 2023, with the introduction of the TOEFL Primary Writing test, it became possible to assess all four language skills—reading, listening, speaking, and writing—through the TOEFL Primary tests. This research memorandum documents the underlying design principles behind the development of the TOEFL Primary Writing test and provides detailed information about the test. The directions for validity research concerning the TOEFL Primary Writing test are also discussed.
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