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The premier test of academic English communication

Select any step to learn more about the TOEFL iBT® test.


How to Register for the TOEFL iBT Test

Creating an ETS account and registering for the TOEFL iBT test is quicker and easier than ever. The easiest way for students to register is through their ETS account, but they can also register by phone or by mail; and can use the TOEFL iBT Registration Form (PDF) and see “How to Register” in the TOEFL iBT® Information Bulletin (PDF).


The Name Used When Creating an ETS Account

The name and date of birth a student uses when creating their account must exactly match the name and date of birth on the ID document, they plan to bring on test day. If this information doesn't match, they won't be able to take the test, and their test fee won't be refunded. See ID Requirements.

What students can use their ETS account for

Students can use their ETS account to schedule their test, as well as:

  • View, reschedule or cancel their appointment
  • Apply for or view testing accommodations
  • Access TOEFL® TestReady™ — a personalized, one-stop TOEFL iBT prep portal
  • Purchase official test prep
  • See the date of when official scores will be received (after completion of the test)
  • View or download their scores and access insights and feedback
  • Order additional score reports or other services
  • Manage their profile and personal information

Planning ahead

It's important that students consider their overall timeline when choosing a test date. They need to make sure scores will be sent prior to application deadlines, and they may want to leave time for retesting if needed. Test takers should:

  • Plan to take the TOEFL iBT test 2 to 3 months before their earliest application deadline
  • Register for the test 4 months before their desired test date

Registration deadlines

  • Regular registration: 7 days before the test
  • Late registration: 2 days before the test (US$40 fee)
  • Reschedule a test: 4 days before the test (US$60 fee)
  • Cancel a test: 4 days before the test — see Refund Policies in the TOEFL iBT® Information Bulletin.