Score Comparability for Language Minority Students on the Content Assessments Used by Two States ELL ELLA
- Author(s):
- Young, John W.; Holtzman, Steven; Steinberg, Jonathan
- Publication Year:
- 2011
- Report Number:
- RR-11-27
- Source:
- ETS Research Report
- Document Type:
- Report
- Page Count:
- 21
- Subject/Key Words:
- Score Comparability, Test Validity, Large-Scale Assessment, English Language Learners (ELL), Language-Minority Students, K-12 Assessments, English Language Learning and Assessment (ELLA)
In this research investigation of score comparability for language minority students (English language learners [ELLs] and former English language learners), we examined 3 indicators of score comparability (reliability, internal test structure, and differential item functioning) for 4th and 8th grade students who took the NCLB-mandated content assessments in English-language arts and mathematics in 2 different U. S. states. Overall, for the 8 assessments we examined, a high degree of score comparability was found for ELLs and former ELLs, when compared with native English speakers. The results from this study showed that although the assessments from the 2 states differed somewhat with respect to the 3 indicators, a high degree of score comparability was found for both states’ content assessments.
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