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Evaluating Targeted Double Scoring for the Performance Assessment for School Leaders Using Imputation and Decision Theory PPAT PASL CSR TDS

Miao, Jing; Sinharay, Sandip; Kelbaugh, Chris; Cao, Yi; Wang, Wei
Publication Year:
Report Number:
ETS Research Report
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Subject/Key Words:
Decision Making, Linear Regression, Loss Functions, Performance Assessment, School Leader, Imputation, Decision Theory, Licensure, Certification, Critical Score Range, Targeted Double Scoring, Praxis, Praxis Performance Assessment for Teachers (PPAT), Performance Assessment for School Leaders (PASL), Raters, Missing Data


In a targeted double-scoring procedure for performance assessments that are used for licensure and certification purposes, a subset of responses receives an independent second rating if the first rating falls into a preidentified critical score range (CSR) where an additional rating would lead to considerably more reliable pass-fail decisions. This study evaluates the CSRs using two approaches—one based on imputation of missing scores and the other based on statistical decision theory—using data from the Performance Assessment for School Leaders (PASL). Results from the evaluation indicate that the currently used CSRs are effective.

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